The following parts have been changed from FY2022.
- The examination fee is 40,000 yen.
- Virtual slides (whole slide images) will be used for the microscopical examination.(Click here for details)
Application Instruction
Completion of the application form and submission of the application:
- The applicants must be a member of JSTP with more than 3-year history (continuously or in total) of membership.
- The applicants must have a total score of 80 points or more of scientific activities on the attached score table (Click here to download the Score Table for Candidates of Board Certification.)
- The applicants enter their self-appraised scores on the table according to the list of the items and points.
- The documents to verify the self-appraised scores must be numbered and attached to the application form (for details, please see the list of attachments to the application.)
- The application package, including the application form, the score table with the self-estimation, and the attachments (a list of the attachments, a list of publications, and abstracts of presentations at scientific societies, and their reprints/copies (no more than 10 items), must be submitted to the JSTP Secretariat along with a Curriculum Vitae (CV) including research history (see the sample).
- Please click here to download the application form and the related materials.
- Eligibility for the admission to the Certification Examination is valid for three years including the year when the eligibility is confirmed, and the resubmission of the score table and the attachments to the application form is exempt for two years thereafter. Those eligible for the admission to the Certification Examination shall submit only the application form and the CV.
Deadline: Friday, April 4, 2025
[Applications must be received by JSTP on or before this date.] - The admission ticket to the Certification Examination is to be sent to the applicant after the application package is reviewed and the eligibility is confirmed by the Board Certification Committee (BCC).
- The applicant shall pay the examination fee of JPY 40,000.- by the postal or bank transfer to the designated account of JSTP stated below after receiving the admission ticket. The applicant may not be admitted to the Certification Examination, if the examination fee is not received by JSTP.
- The applicant will be informed of the result of the Certification Examination. Application package will not be returned to the applicant.
- Successful candidates shall pay the accreditation fee of JPY 20,000.- by the postal or bank transfer to the designated account of JSTP stated below. Certificate will be sent to the applicant after payment is confirmed.
- The term of certification is for five years from the issuance of the certificate. The detailed rules and requirements of recertification are specified separately.
JSTP may revoke the certification of any DJSTP for any fraud or misconduct that is found in the application of or taking of the Certification Examination, or if such situations occur where the DJSTP does not meet the DJSTP qualifications.
Application Submission:
JSTP-Office | |
Department of Academic Society | |
International Academic Publishing Co., Ltd. | |
Academy Center, 358-5 Yamabuki-cho Shinjuku-ku Tokyo, 162-0801 JAPAN |
jstpath-post[at] (Note : change [at] to @ when typing in address.) |